Место обучения | Латвия, Рига |
Научная область | Medicine 12.1 (ISCED 721) Clinical medicine (JACS A300) |
Тип | Врач (Медицина), полная академическая нагрузка |
Номинальная продолжительность | 6 года/лет (360 ECTS) |
Язык обучения | английский |
Присваиваемая квалификация | (Medical Doctor) |
Код курса | 28408 |
Аккредитация | 02.02.2029 |
Плата за обучение | 11 262 € за программу €11,262 per year The total amount for all 6 years of the programme – €73,633.00 Tuition fee payments can be made twice per semester, however, to be imatriculated you have to make the first payment for the first semester in full. |
Плата за рассмотрение заявления | 170 € один раз |
Предоплата | 500 € один раз |
Регистрационный взнос | Уточняется You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Полученное образование | Гимназия / среднее образование (или выше) Оценки по Биологии, Химии и Физике или Естественным наукам должны быть не ниже 6 по десятибалльной оценочной системе. The entry qualification documents are accepted in any languages (issued in or officially translated along with verified copies) Поступив в университет, вам необходимо предоставить оригиналы документов об образовании. You must take the original entry qualification documents with you when you finally go to the university. Please provide bachelor’s diploma (for master studies) or master’s diploma (for doctoral studies) in the original language. If the diploma is not issued in English, a certified translation should be provided. The document must be legalised/apostilled |
Требования к территории | Заявления из следующих стран НЕ приняты (основываясь на гражданстве): Бангладеш, Ирак, Йемен, Пакистан. |
Языковые требования | английский LanguageCert International ESOL at least Level Communicator B2 (Written and Spoken exams); |
Другие требования | Необходимо предоставить не менее 2 рекомендации(й). К вашему заявлению необходимо приложить мотивационное письмо. Your average application grade will be made up by your secondary education Chemistry (40%), Biology (40%) and English (20%) grade OR your Natural sciences (80%) and English (20%) grade if you haven’t studied Chemistry or Biology. The better the average grade, the better your chances for being offered a study place. Your application will only be considered if the final grade in each of the subjects mentioned (Chemistry, Biology (or Natural sciences) and English) will be equivalent to 60% or more. 1st year – €11262.00 Особые требования к абитуриентам не из ЕС: Passport 2. Transcript of final grades and state examinations – both in English and the original language. Both copies need to be verified with a notary stamp and signature, and apostilled or verified by the Foreign Affairs ministry or relevant of your country and the Embassy of Latvia closest to you! 3. Your high school diploma if it’s issued separately – both in English and the original language. Both copies need to be verified with a notary stamp and signature, and apostilled or verified by the Foreign Affairs ministry or relevant of your country and the Embassy of Latvia closest to you! 4. Proof of English language proficiency (see section Language requirements) 5. Payment receipt after paying for your application, uploaded along with other documents NB! Non-EU applications that contain documents that are not Apostilled or verified properly will not be evaluated and considered for admissions |
During the studies students learn the science and methods of medicine based on human morphology (structure), functions (physiology), psychology, basic clinical practice (anamnesis, overall objective examination and interpretation of results, manipulation competence), obtains knowledge on health promotion and disease prevention in the context of family and society. After successful completion of the programme graduates may enter residency and PhD studies.
The programme corresponds to EU standards and professional requirements set for MDs. The obtained degree is in line with European labor market requirements (part of European comparative degree system) and allows free movement within Europe.
The full – time degree programme covers six academic years. Classes are mainly from 8.30am till 6pm in the working days.
Структура программы
The study curriculum is divided in 3 parts: A part (mandatory subjects), B part (mandatory selection) and C part (electives).
During your studies you will have to take A part subjects worth 333 ECTS (222 Latvian credit points) – Normal anatomy, Inorganic chemistry, Introduction to cell biology, Medical Latin, Introduction to medical studies, Psychology and basics of psychiatry, Physics, Organic chemistry, General and special histology, Basics of genetics, Basics of biochemistry, Medical embriology, Human physiology, Physical and sports medicine, Medical biochemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology, Immunology, General pathology, Molecular genetics, Pharmacology, Propaedeutics of Internal diseases, Environmental protection, Visual diagnostics, Principles of surgery, Internal diseases, Pathology of organs and systems, Obstetrics, Dermatovenerology, Public health and epidemiology, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Infectious diseases, Surgery, Neurology, Urology, Medical history and ethics, Narcology, Ophtalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Oncology, Radiology, Forensic medicine, Specific Considerations of Surgery and Anesthesiology, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics.
B part subjects are worth 15 ECTS (10 Latvian credit points), and C part courses – 12 ECTS (8 Latvian credit points).
During your studies you will also have practice in different areas: Basics of Clinical care (5th semester), Clinical practice (5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th semesters), Emergency medicine and basic life support (6th semester), Practice of Family medicine (12th semester), Practice of Internal diseases (12th semester), Practice of surgery (12th semester).
Карьерные возможности
To continue studies in residency, work under a supervision of a practicing physician or do research (PhD). You will receive a medical doctor (MD) degree.