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M.A.Electronics and Telecommunication Technologies

Плата за обучение 6 100 € за год
Плата за рассмотрение заявления 100 € один раз
Регистрационный взнос Уточняется

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The aim of the programe is to prepare highly qualified specialists who are able to understand develop and integrate the latest technologies in the modern electronics and telecommunication market, plan and organize their maintenance and renewal.

Структура программы

1 semester

Compulsory courses
Information elements and systems
Materials for information technologies
Radio interface in mobile communication systems
Digital signal processing and simulation
Elective courses
Modelling of the wireless channel
Applied terahertz physics
Digital optics

2 semester

Compulsory courses
Applications of distributed computing to telecommunication network modeling
Microcontrollers in embedded systems
Optoelectronic devices in telecommunications
Scientific research work I/II

3 semester

Compulsory courses
Microwave electronics
Embedded linux systems
Applied electrodynamics
Scientific research work II/II

4 semester

Compulsory courses
Master thesis

Карьерные возможности

Our graduates can develop their further career in industry companies specializing in development, implementation and administration of various electronic and telecommunication solutions and products, government communications regulation authorities, etc.
There is a possibility to continue the studies in a PhD programme the fields of Electronics, Physics or Material engineering.

Pursue a career in industrial companies specialising in the development, implementation and administration of various electronic and telecommunication solutions and products, as well as government communications regulation authorities.

Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2025 г.
Добавить в мой список пожеланий
Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2025/26
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2025 г.
Добавить в мой список пожеланий
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