БакалаврFinance Management Information Systems
Место обучения | Латвия, Рига |
Тип | Бакалавр, полная академическая нагрузка |
Номинальная продолжительность | 2 года/лет (120 ECTS) |
Язык обучения | английский |
Присваиваемая квалификация | Бакалавр (BSc (Professional bachelor degree in computer systems / programming engineer)) |
Код курса | ADCPW |
Аккредитация | 29.11.2023 - 30.11.2029; Accreditation certificate No 2023/44-A |
Плата за обучение | 4 430 € за год |
Плата за рассмотрение заявления | 150 € один раз |
Предоплата | 250 € один раз Подлежит возврату |
Регистрационный взнос | Уточняется You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Полученное образование | Диплом о получении высшего образования первой ступени (или выше) You must provide a final secondary education certificate (high school or 4-year vocational secondary education diploma) and a grade transcript showcasing good results. Applicants must upload education documents in original language, as well as translations into English. Поступив в университет, вам необходимо предоставить оригиналы документов об образовании. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations in English along with verified copies of the original. All education documents not originally in English must be accompanied by official translations which you can receive directly from your school, or you may get a notary-approved translation. |
Требования к территории | Заявления из следующих стран НЕ приняты (основываясь на гражданстве): Бангладеш, Ирак, Йемен, Пакистан. |
Языковые требования | английский If you are a non-native English speaker and your previous education was not conducted in English, you must submit one of the following internationally recognised English proficiency certificates: |
Другие требования | Необходимо предоставить не менее 1 рекомендации(й). К вашему заявлению необходимо приложить мотивационное письмо. Every student should pass recorded video interview. More details will be provided during the application. |
The study program is a joint Professional Bachelor study program of the Riga Technical University and the BA School of Business and Finance in the FinTech industry. This newly opened study program is the only one in Latvia and the Baltic region that offers opportunities to study in a unique interdisciplinary and innovative program that includes and combines information technology and financial profile knowledge. The study program includes study courses that provide knowledge about software coding, design, maintenance, implementation, testing and specification of requirements, as well as financial sector and economic study courses.
The objective of the study programme is to prepare highly qualified specialists who combine the competencies of both programming engineers and financial management for professional activity in Latvia and abroad.
Graduates will be professionals in the field of software engineering – they will be familiar with programming languages and software development technologies, data structures and algorithms, will be able to manage software development projects, will have acquired basic knowledge of database technologies, computer system construction and functioning. This range of knowledge will be complemented by competitive skills, abilities and competencies in financial management.
Структура программы
Tasks of the study programme:
- to provide competitive higher professional education in software engineering and to prepare students for practical work in financial field;
- to provide knowledge in software engineering, computer hardware, database technologies, basic methods of artificial intelligence and to provide insight into the best practices of the industry;
- to provide knowledge and practical skills in the design and development of information systems, envisaging the development of relevant documentation and ensuring the functioning of the said information system;
- to develop students’ abilities to use theoretical knowledge for specific tasks and solutions;
- to develop students’ skills to develop appropriate software, learn and use software environments and software tools;
- to develop students’ skills to independently acquire, evaluate and use new software products;
- to develop students’ ability to design information, database, intellectual and software systems;
- to provide practical work experience, offering the student to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, solving engineering issues;
- to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of financial management and the regularities of economic development, investment project development and portfolio building, financial markets and instruments, new financial technologies and financial risks;
- to develop students’ research and creative work skills and abilities.
- to promote the development of students into a free, responsible and creative personality;
- to develop students’ general competencies required in today’s labour market, including foreign language skills;
- to improve students’ ability to independently increase the level of academic and professional knowledge;
- to promote further improvement of the content of the study program and the study process in accordance with the development of the national economy, international market and technologies.
Карьерные возможности
Career Options
Software engineers are educated and trained for work in different financial sector enterprises, including banks and other financial institutions.
The knowledge obtained within the study programme allows continuing studies at the master degree study programmes.