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B.Sc.Туризм и управление гостеприимством

Плата за обучение 2 900 € за год
Плата за рассмотрение заявления 250 € один раз
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The modern tourism industry is one of the largest highly profitable and most dynamically developing sectors of the global economy. With the rapid development of the tourism industry, the professions associated with it are gaining more and more popularity. If you choose this direction, then why may the BMA program be of interest to you?

1. This is the only program in Latvia and the Baltic that trains specialists in two areas: in tourism and in the hotel business. Often, applicants choose tourism, but when graduating, they prefer to work in the hotel industry and vice versa. We give them a choice. A good preparation allows them to feel confident in any workplace.
2. Our students have the opportunity to additionally choose the specialization of in-depth study in the field of event organization, medical tourism or project management in the field of culture and tourism. This gives our graduates additional opportunities in choosing a profession.
3. Students are offered a rich curriculum that, in addition to specialized knowledge and competencies, provides thorough training in management, marketing, advertising and PR. It also expands employment opportunities.
4. Students have the opportunity of summer practices, both in Latvia and abroad. Our students work in hotels and travel companies in Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus. There are offers from other countries as well. In addition to pocket money, students receive free meals and accommodation. And students with good performance in studies and public work can also receive a European scholarship.
5. Our students study in a multicultural and multilingual environment, which enables them to work successfully outside Latvia with foreign colleagues, partners and clients. There are many opportunities for them to learn foreign languages ​​and improve communication skills.
6. Our students study in excellent classrooms, with great opportunities to improve their abilities and talents. Desire is what matters!
7. Many of our students are engaged in scientific work, participate in conferences, they are also members of the scientific and practical club COLUMBUS. Together with their supervisors, they write scientific articles and learn to defend publicly their ideas and projects.
8. Often students find work by profession already during their studies. They have the opportunity to learn quickly about new vacancies, and we, on our behalf, help to combine work and study and develop an individual training plan so that students can finish their studies on time.
9. Subject to good study and excellent knowledge of the English language, students have the opportunity to study under the exchange program at other universities in Europe or under the program of two diplomas with partner universities from different countries. In general, for those who study well and are active in public life, discounts on studies are provided.
10. And the most important fact is that amazing lecturers work for us: knowledgeable, creative, energetic! They love students, support them in all endeavors, work, regardless of their personal time. The teaching staff of this level is very rare in our time. We work closely with colleagues from different countries who regularly come to us with guest lectures.

Структура программы

Students studying in this area receive a large amount of knowledge in the humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, including foreign languages ​​(English and German), general professional disciplines: psychology, marketing, management, etc. Knowledge of world culture, art and literature, geography and geography, as well as the basics of verbal communication forms highly cultured specialists.

Graduates acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in technology and organization of outbound, inbound and domestic tourism, transport services for tourists and can find application to the knowledge and skills gained in the field of tourism services, gain knowledge on hotel service technology, organization of work of individual hotel services, and service features in hotels, sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding houses and can successfully carry out organizational work at these enterprises.

Training on the program is based on the best traditions of quality professional education and innovative approaches of lecturers using modern educational technologies: open lectures and joint studies, master classes, round tables, trainings, retreats and business games, online training.

The program uses a methodology that combines “learning outside of learning”: during study tours and excursions, students in practice study geography and history, tourist resources and excursion services. Students regularly visit museums, participate in quests, get acquainted with the activities of airports and cruise ships.

Since students from different countries study at the program, therefore, there is an opportunity in practice to learn to understand the specifics of cooperation with representatives of different countries and cultures. For hospitality, this is very important. Every year, our students participate in scientific conferences, seminars and webinars. Many students have publications in scientific collections of materials.

Карьерные возможности

The development of the tourism industry contributes to job creation – every eleventh person in the world works in the hospitality industry. The modern tourism and hospitality industry is characterized by high dynamics and a variety of types of professional activity.

-activities for the development, promotion and implementation of a tourism product;
-excursion and animation activities in tourist services;
-work in different departments of hotels and hotel management;
-personnel management of a travel company, event services company and hotel;
-development of projects in the field of tourism and hotel business;
-work in the field of business tourism and congress and exhibition activities;
-work in the field of marketing and PR;
-organization of events, art exhibitions and cultural and marketing projects.

Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2024
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2024 г.
Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2025
Срок подачи заявлений
13 нояб. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Winter intake

Начало обучения
4 февр. 2025 г.
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Подать заявление! Осенний семестр 2024
Это непрерывный набор – заявления принимаются круглый год.
Начало обучения
16 сент. 2024 г.
Подать заявление! Весенний семестр 2025
Срок подачи заявлений
13 нояб. 2024 г., 23:59:59
Восточная Европа

Winter intake

Начало обучения
4 февр. 2025 г.
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