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Global Leadership

Frais de scolarité 700 € par programme
Frais d'inscription À confirmer

You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult.
You can also familiarize yourself with packages baltic.study/en/packages

You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status.

*Do not forget to ask discount


The future is much closer than you think! Today you are a student, but tomorrow may be a successful entrepreneur, eminent scientist, or a world-known politician. But do you know what is common to all of them? In most cases these people are leaders. Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization. Leadership anticipates decision making, creating and articulating a clear vision, establishing achievable goals, and providing followers with the knowledge and tools necessary to achieve intended targets. And did you know that leaders are made, not born? It is possible to learn to be a leader and this summer school is all about that!

Today the greatest opportunities as well as the greatest challenges are global, therefore, the demand for global leaders is increasing. But what does “global” really mean? Truly global leaders act as bridge builders, connectors of resources and talents across cultural and political boundaries — relentlessly dedicated to finding new ways of creating value. They don’t just think and act global, they are global.

The global mindset allows leaders to connect with individuals and organizations across boundaries. We will show you how to develop global leadership skills – problem solving, analytical skills, team building, etc.

This summer school will provide students with a unique experience: interactive lectures, workshops, presentations of good practices and field trips.

During all summer school practices students will be able to ask questions, discuss and compare the newly acquired knowledge to the situation in their home countries. Students will develop the ability to synthesize multiple perspectives on globalization and global leadership, strengthening their problem resolution and leadership skills. Participants will improve written, oral communication and presentation skills along with skills in debating, analysing, formulating and defending arguments as well as case study analysis.

The amount of the contract includes a meeting from the airport and on the last day transfer, accommodation for the entire period of the course.

Structure du programme

The programme includes workshops and lectures in:
-Presentation Skills
-Risk Management
-Business Etiquette
-Cultural Diversity
-Social Behaviourism
-Emotional Intelligence
-Future Educational Challenges
-Upcoming Global Business and Social Challenges
-Impact of Cultural Differences on Organizations
-Social Entrepreneurship

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Période de candidature terminée
Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Période de candidature terminée
Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
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