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The aim of doctoral study programme „Psychology” is to prepare high-qualified scientific and academic workers in theoretical and applied psychology, by giving opportunity to obtain internationally recognized doctor of psychology degree in social psychology sub-branch of psychology science. On the basis of independent original scientific research (doctoral thesis), the programme ensures:

Deeper acquisition of knowledge and skills of scientific discussion and research in sub-branch of social psychology;
Competence improvement in the field of the newest psychology theories, research methodology, elaboration and realization of research projects, publishing of their results in international editions;
Widening of theoretical knowledge in the sub-branch of social psychology, thus forming integrative knowledge about psychology;
Teaching of psychology courses in bachelor’s and master’s programmes;
Better awareness of theory and practice reciprocity in the context of newly acquired knowledge.
The tasks of the study programme:

theoretical – to ensure high level of theoretical training of doctoral students, which would be in conformity with requirements of psychology science contents in the world and in Latvia;
research – to develop system of skills and acquirements of organization of scientific research and analysis of results;
methodological – to foster system of skills and acquirements of delivering lectures and other kinds of activities for doctoral students;
practical – to improve skills of collecting scientific data and to form skills of results’ implementation in everyday life, during delivering lectures, managing seminars etc.
As a result of the programme’s acquisition, the young scientist will acquire and be able to demonstrate:

Doctoral student is able to show that he/she is aware of and comprehends the most topical scientific theories and cognitions, knows research methodology and modern research methods in branch of psychology science, professional field and contiguity of various areas.

Doctoral student is able to evaluate and elect independently corresponding methods for scientific researches, has contributed to widening knowledge borders and given new comprehension for existent knowledge and their application in practice, by implementing vast original research, part of which is on the level of internationally citated publications. The student is able to communicate both orally and in written about the field of his/her scientific activities with wider scientific community and society in general. The student is able to improve independently his/her scientific qualification, implement scientific projects, and gain achievements in conformity to international criteria of psychology branch, manage psychological tasks in enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Doctoral student is able to tackle significant research or innovations-related tasks, independently put forward the idea of research, plan, structure and manage big scientific projects in international context by doing independent, critical analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

The programme is implemented at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Psychology and the Institute of Social Researches.

Doctoral students have possibilities:

to study under the guidance of professional and experienced university lecturers;
to publish their articles and research results in the local periodical publications and annual collections of research articles;
to participate in annual scientific conferences in Daugavpils University and other higher educational establishments, as well as in the conferences of European and global level;
to participate in international student exchange programmes and study at higher educational establishments abroad;
to participate in the implementation of projects related to the theme of research;
to receive scholarship if the student studies for the state budget means.

Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Période de candidature terminée
Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
Postuler maintenant ! Semestre de printemps 2025
Période de candidature terminée
Début des cours
4 févr. 2025
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