Colegiatura 3.300 € por año
Costo de inscripción 100 € una vez
Costo de registro Por confirmarse

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In order to achieve study results, various interactive teaching methods (analysis of cases, reflection, interactive lecture, observation, analysis of best practices, making and reasoning assumptions, role-playing games, etc.), independent work and related methods are intended in the descriptions of subjects.
Methods of problematic teaching in subject studies: analysis of cases (in speciality subjects – clinical cases) in small groups draw students into confrontation with practical problems that stimulate their independent learning, will realize interdisciplinary integration of knowledge and skills in solving real-life situations, and the lecturer’s function is changed into that of a consultant’s and helper’s.
Methods of modern assisting. Methods of modern assisting are applied to the Odontological Care study programme: “four-hand” work; “six-hand” work.

Estructura del curso

1 semester Subject

1. Professional environment
2. Professional language
3. Human safety
4. Anatomy, physiology and oral pathology prostheses
5. Functional anatomy, aesthetics and modeling of teeth
6. Dental technology materials

2 semesters
1. Basics of management and economics
2. Infection control in dentistry
3. Basics of production of removable plate prostheses
4. Basics of production of fixed dentures
5. First aid
6. Psychology
7. Cognitive practice of dental technician

3 semesters
1. Basics of prosthetics of jaws
2. Technologies for the production of fixed dentures
3. Fundamentals of applied research
4. Alternative subjects: Foreign language (English / German / French / Norwegian)
5. Free choice

4 semesters
1. Technologies for the production of partial removable plate prostheses
2. Ceramic denture manufacturing techniques and digital technologies
3. Equipment for the production of arch support dentures
4. Dental prosthesis manufacturing technique practice

5 semesters
1. Technologies for the production of ceramic dentures
2. Technologies for the production of combined arch support dentures
3. Plaque dentures and innovative technologies
4. Alternative elective subject: Dental Technician Thesis Research Methods / Search and Analysis of Scientific Literature
5. Dental prosthesis manufacturing technology practice

6 semesters
1. Implant technique
2. Orthodontic, maxillofacial treatment apparatus and prostheses
3. Final practice and supervision
4. Thesis

Oportunidades profesionales

Odontological Care study program graduates will be able to work as a Dental assistant in all levels of health care in the personal health care institutions, with a health care institution licensed to provide dental care (assistance) services. Persons that complete the Odontological Care study programme successfully, acquire professional competences that are sufficient to independently perform complicated work and make the right decisions in the following areas:

- assisting the dentist of various specializations or dental hygienist;
- identification of risk factors of dental diseases and implementation of preventive programmes;
- organization of work of the clinic and professional improvement.

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de verano 2025
Fecha límite de solicitud
13 nov 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental

Winter intake

Inicio de estudios
4 feb 2025
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de verano 2025
Fecha límite de solicitud
13 nov 2024, 23:59:59
hora de Europa oriental

Winter intake

Inicio de estudios
4 feb 2025
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024