Leaders (15-19yrs)
Lugar de estudios | Reino Unido, Eastbourne |
Tipo | Summer/winter camps, short-time |
Duración nominal | 2 weeks |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Colegiatura | 2.950 € por año |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés |
This course is available to students aged between 15 and 19 and focuses on developing students’ understanding and practical application of leadership qualities and skills to enhance future employability.
Centre: Moulton
15-19 years
20 hours of lessons per week
English Levels: from B1 to C2
Academic English
Business English
Learning & Innovation
Focus Leadership
Sports & Leisure
Evening Entertainment
True Me
Estructura del curso
Students can stay for any number of weeks. The recommended minimum stay is 2 weeks.
30 June-6 July
7-13 July
14-20 July
21-27 July
28 July-3 August
4 August-10 August
Residential course: £1,675 per week. Fee includes:
BSS Experience featuring True Me
Excursion Programme
Meals (full board)
Sports & Leisure Programme
Transfers (standard days from selected airports / train stations)
Travel insurance
Lessons ACADEMIC ENGLISH These lessons are designed to improve understanding of written and spoken academic texts, develop lecture and note-taking skills, organise and write academic essays, develop debating skills on academic topics and enhance independent learning skills and critical thinking.BUSINESS ENGLISH
These lessons focus on developing English skills and expanding vocabulary within business contexts such as international trade, commerce, finance, insurance, banking, and office settings. Lessons help students practise and enrich their communication skills and refine their grammatical structures to improve their confidence to conduct business in English.
These task-based lessons enable students to work collaboratively to research, discuss and create projects that reflect their knowledge, skills, and personality while developing strategies that are essential for success in the 21st century. The projects have been specially created to help develop the students’ capabilities in each of the 4Cs that form the core of the 21st Century Learning curriculum: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, and Critical Thinking.
These lessons are designed to develop the students’ understanding of leadership qualities and skills. The course examines the characteristics which are consistently identified with great leaders and are regarded as important for successful business executives, senior managers, and company owners as well as leaders in other areas of life. These include:
Awareness (of self and others for more effective leadership)
Communication (debating, negotiating, public speaking)
Confidence (presenting, decision making, perception)
Innovation (creativity, being competitive in the marketplace)
Honesty & Integrity (to earn the respect and cooperation of others)
Management (staff management, time management, organisation)
Relationship building (study personality types to build more effective relationships)
Resilience (work effectively under pressure, stress management, stay healthy)
These qualities are considered important not only for business executives and managers but also for any role that requires working in a team and / or managing other people.
Students study and analyse different leadership styles and personality traits. Collaborating with others on weekly projects and real-life case studies, students develop their critical thinking skills, creativity, and communication