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MSCInternational Business Management

Colegiatura 15.500 € por programa
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The MSc International Business Management from Gisma University of Applied Sciences allows you to dive into the fascinating world of international business and corporate global leadership.

From leadership competencies in cross cultural environments and international strategic management to marketing and CEO decision making, this programme covers all areas of business that you need to master for a senior management position in an international organisation.

Programme details

Opportunity to spend a semester abroad or do an internship/ project in an international cosmopolitan city like London, Shanghai, and Singapore.
Equips you with all the skills you need for a senior management role in any international company or MNC.
Allows you to network with students from over 55 countries which can expand your professional network.
Helps you gain additional skills in Big Data, cybersecurity, and cloud computing through technical know-how provided by Amazon.
Suitable for students interested in a global business career with undergraduate degrees in closely related disciplines like accounting, economics and psychology.
Course curriculum perfect for preparing for further intensive business degrees like an MBA.
Industry oriented curriculum with the right blend of theory and practical experience.
Provides plenty of career opportunities in domains like project management, international strategic management, business leadership and finance.
A flexible learning format, as well as virtual access to the Gisma Campus at Potsdam, allows you to study online.

Estructura del curso

International Business

International Strategic Management
International Marketing
Global Supply Chain Management
International Economics
Leadership, action and intercultural competencies

Management of People in Cross Cultural Environments
Behavioural Competencies in Virtual Teams
Emotional Agility in International Business
CEO Decision Making and Case Studies
Study abroad or Internship or Business Project

Innovation and Sustainability

Innovation Management and Digital Transformation
Project Management
Finance and Risk Management
CSR, Diversity and Ethics
Digital competencies

Electives in Cloud Computing, Big Data and Cyber Security from Amazon, Alibaba and Co.
Scientific and Methods Competence

Research Methods and Scientific Work
Master Thesis

Oportunidades profesionales

The MSc International Business Management covers a broad range of international topics so that you’ll be perfectly equipped for your desired career path. This degree will help you advance your career in various fields such as finance, marketing, HR, and general business.

Here are a few worthy career roles in the international business domain that might interest you.

Business development manager; average salaries for the job usually range around €73,627 (source).
External auditor; average salaries for the job usually range around €73,627 (source).
Marketing manager; average salaries for the job usually range around €68,459 (source).
Global sales manager; average salaries for the job usually range around €63,859 (source).
International HR manager; average salaries for the job usually range around €84,747 (source).
Global financial trader; average salaries for the job usually range around €72,6497 (source).
In addition, Gisma has a dedicated Career Centre which will help students fulfil their career goals through a variety of specialised services and establishes long-lasting relationships with alumni and employers.

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