Information Technology in Business - Web Applications Developer
Lugar de estudios | Polonia, Toruń |
Tipo | Bachelor, tiempo completo |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Colegiatura | 2.700 € por año |
Calificación de ingreso | Bachillerato/educación secundaria (o superior) Los documentos de calificación de ingreso se aceptan en los siguientes idiomas: inglés Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés |
Más información |
You will gain knowledge and engineering skills related to designing of IT systems; business applications; database technologies; e-business as well as broadly understood computerization of enterprises.
You will have classes with lecturers holding many years of experience in IT companies operating locally as well as transnationally.
You will participate in classes using IT tools that are used in enterprises.
While developing the specializations we offer to our potential students, we collaborate with business partners operating within the IT industry.
The business and content partners collaborating with the Major include Atos IT Services; Nokia Corporation; Galactica; Sunrise Systems; iQor Global Services Poland; and Project Management Institute.
Work placements and study visits are held in the largest IT companies.
You will be able to validate the acquired knowledge and skills by obtaining in the course of your studies international professional IT certificates
Estructura del curso
Business and Presentation Graphics
Career Management and Communication in Business
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights Protection
Marketing and Public Relations
Organization and Management Methods
Communication Skills in Business
Business Communication
International Logistics
International Finance
International Law