Colegiatura 4.290 € por año
Costo de inscripción 120 € una vez
Costo de registro Por confirmarse

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You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status.

*Do not forget to ask discount


The study programme of Photography aims to promote individual humanistic orientation, aesthetic perception, critical and creative thinking, social activity, freedom of communication and responsibility, develop the professional skills of a photography specialist based on traditional, alternative, and digital photography and innovations of professional activity in the various fields of application of the art of photography, and enhance the abilities necessary for organising photographer’s activities considering the changes in the environment and perceiving the importance of lifelong learning.

This study programme is promising and innovative. It integrates the activities of alternative and digital photography professionals in the fields of Reporting Photography; Commercial Photography; Photography of Architecture, Three–Dimensional Artworks, and Reproduction of works of art. In addition to digital photography, students can study and master the alternative processes of analogue photography, such as Cyanotype, Lith Print, and Gum Bichromate. They gain intercultural experience by attending lectures given by lecturers from abroad. Students can go for part–time study and / or practice to Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Sakartvelo, Turkey.

The study programme of Photography graduates will be able to work individually as freelance photographers; set up a company and create jobs in their professional field of activity; work in a team in photo service companies, media, fashion or advertising agencies, galleries, cinematographic or videography studios, museums; set up a photography business; develop and expand creative and project activities.

¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Semestre de otoño 2024
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
Inicio de estudios
16 sept 2024
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