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Bachelor of Business Administration

Colegiatura 6.750 € por semestre
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The Bachelor of Business Administration is a comprehensive degree that will prepare you for a full range of functions within the business world, making you a valuable asset to any organization. This program develops the business acumen and entrepreneurial mindset required to conduct business on a global scale. Students will cover international negotiation, cultures and languages, while exploring the complexity of multinational organizations, with their intricate hierarchies, social frameworks and administrative challenges.

Estructura del curso

The EU Barcelona’s BBA program is a seven-semester, three-year program (240 ECTS) that allows students to transfer to campuses in Geneva and Munich during the first four semesters. The program has start dates in October, February, June and August.

The first-year core courses provide students with a solid base in all fundamental business areas. Specialization subjects are incorporated into the curriculum in the second and third years. In the third year, students will also focus on business management modules to equip them with key managerial concepts, theories and tools necessary for any business field. From strategic planning to finance and corporate development, students will become more analytical, creative and independent in their thinking.

Oportunidades profesionales

The Bachelor of Business Administration gives students a comprehensive understanding and skillset in business. Students who successfully complete may be interested in the following job positions.

Service Manager

Service managers manage an organization’s service department, which is responsible for customer service relations. Their aim is to provide an excellent service to clients to establish a long-lasting sales relationship. In charge of teams, a service manager will ensure that departmental and sales goals are met and that their team members possess the necessary product and service knowledge to carry out their tasks effectively. They will also need to know industry regulations, constraints and laws for compliance. A service manager will also assist with administrative tasks, prepare reports on the levels of customer service achieved and pinpoint areas for improvement.

To succeed as a service manager, candidates should have strong written and verbal communication skills, be a problem-solver and have leadership skills.

Sales Manager

Sales managers are tasked with selling a company’s products or services. They work within the commercial department of an organization, reporting to an area manager or sales director, and are the organization’s point of contact with clients. Sales managers set targets for clients, develop new business, create and implement sales plans, coordinate with other departments to ensure timely product delivery, negotiate prices and create and implement sales actions for sell-out.

To succeed as a sales manager, candidates should have good negotiation, interpersonal, communication and numerical skills.

Product Manager

Product managers work within the marketing department of an organization. They are in charge of the marketing actions of a specific product or product line and will ensure that it meets pre-established objectives set by management within a predetermined budget. Their tasks include tracking market share, creating and implementing brand actions including promotional campaigns, reviewing market research and reporting, among others.

To succeed, a product manager will need good interpersonal skills, analytical competence and knowledge of finance as well as creativity and imagination.

Purchasing Manager

Purchasing managers are responsible for creating and executing purchasing strategies within an organization. They will source and select vendors, negotiate prices and contractual terms and conditions, make orders, track deliveries and monitor and forecast future demand levels, among other tasks. Building trust with suppliers and clearly communicating and detailing product technical information is key to success.

The skills required to become a purchasing manager include negotiation, data collection and analysis as well as leadership.

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