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Business English Course

Colegiatura 190 GBP por hora de crédito
Costo de registro 60 GBP una vez
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Learn Business related subjects such as Human resources, Marketing, Finance, IT and Skills for work. Sample topics are as following:

Writing a successful CV
Preparing for job interviews – questions to ask and questions to answer
Social media platforms and types of campaigns
Language style for different marketing campaigns
Analyzing and discussing balance sheets and profit & loss accounts
Computer and technology related vocabulary
Preparing and delivering a presentation in a professional environment
Language and culture of negotiations
Writing work emails
Managing a project effectively

Gain greater awareness of the skills needed for the workplace
Increase confidence in using English in a business environment
Improve communication skills and fluency

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¡Envía tu solicitud ahora! Monthly entrollment 2024/25
Esta es una matrícula continua y se aceptan solicitudes todo el año.
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