M.A.English Studies (Linguistics)
Lugar de estudios | Lituania, Vilnius |
Tipo | Master, tiempo completo |
Duración nominal | 2 años (120 ECTS) |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Títulos | M.A. (Master in Humanities) |
Código de curso | 6211NX017 |
Colegiatura | 5.538 € por año |
Costo de inscripción | 100 € una vez |
Costo de registro | Por confirmarse You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Calificación de ingreso | Diploma de grado superior (o superior) N. B. for non-EU/EFTA applicants: the gap since your completed Bachelor degree should not exceed five years. Bachelor’s degree in Humanities. If your qualification meets the requirements, you will receive an invitation for a motivational interview. Applicants must upload education documents in original language, as well as translations into English. Debes llevar contigo los documentos académicos de ingreso originales cuando vayas a la universidad. Often you can get a suitable transcript from your school. If this is not the case, you will need official translations along with verified copies of the original. Translation is considered to be official when it is bound together with the certified true copy of the original document and is confirmed by the translator’s signature. Documents issued in English, Lithuanian must be certified true copies and do not require translation. It is required that you send verified copies of the entry qualification documents directly to the university by postal mail. Important! Never send original documents by post! |
Requisitos de territorio | NO se aceptan solicitudes de los siguientes territorios (según la ciudadanía): Bangladés, Irak, Pakistán, Yemen. |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés English language proficiency (at least C1 level according to the CEFR), as demonstrated by passing one of the international examinations: |
Otros requisitos | Se debe proveer al menos 1 referencia(s). Debes adjuntar una carta de presentación a tu solicitud. |
The English Studies programme is unique in the Baltic States. It covers three aspects of study: English linguistics, literatures written in the English language, and culture of English-speaking countries. The three components are interrelated. The programme also offers a special track in Media Linguistics.
The English Studies programme is designed to prepare qualified, independent and creative specialists in English linguistics, literature, and culture, having competences suitable for jobs related to language, literature and culture in the fields of public communication (e.g. the media, publishing industry and cultural institutions). The programme offers students opportunities for developing their ability to reflect on cultural traditions and to critically evaluate cultural diversity and emerging trends in modern society. The special track in Media Linguistics is designed to help students apply the latest theories and methods of media linguistics, further develop communicative skills in English in various spheres of public communication and create modern media products.
Oportunidades profesionales
There is a wide range of opportunities for professional activities. Graduates of the English Studies programme may look for employment not only in the academic field (research in literature, culture and linguistics and teaching literary and language courses at higher education institutions), but also in other diverse areas (editing, translation, lexicography, proofreading and publishing activities, work in literary archives and museums, and various other public institutions and organizations), in which practical application of the acquired knowledge is required.
The qualifications acquired by the graduates of the programme can also be applied in broader areas, including employment in publishing houses specialising in literature for the general public, career in the media focused on scientific, professional and cultural issues, as well as work as translators of fictional and scientific texts. Graduates meet the expectations of employers in the broader labour market by demonstrating their analytical and interpretative skills and knowledge of the contemporary and historical contexts of literature and culture. They also show their wide erudition, ability of critical thinking as well as various subject-specific competences acquired during the studies (e.g. the ability to create scientific and professional texts).