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Costo de inscripción 150 € una vez
Depósito 250 € una vez


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Do you want an exciting role in the ever-changing computing industry? The Bachelor study programme “Computer Systems” provides students with a thorough knowledge of the computing industry.

The objective of the course is to prepare professionals starting independent work in the field of informatics by providing them with knowledge in software engineering, computer systems development, systems analysis, database technologies and artificial intelligence.

In addition they are trained to use systems thinking and systems approach to fulfill different roles including participating in software development projects.

Graduates demonstrate professional knowledge, ethics and skills complying with IT industry standards. Students of the study programme annually receive local and international awards for the best research works, scientific papers and theses.

The programme received both Latvian and International Euro-Inf Quality Label (European Accreditation of Informatics Programmes) accreditations,
In 2013, the study programme received QUESTE-SI (The Quality System of European Scientific and Technical Education) Award proving its high quality,
Professors have practical experience in IT industry and/or IT projects,
Many bachelor level students are placed in industry already during their studies.

Estructura del curso

A Compulsory study courses 84.0 CP/ 126.0 ECTS
Discrete Mathematics
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
General Chemistry
Algorithmization and Programming of Solutions
Electrical Engineering and Electronics
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics and Image Processing
Introduction to Study Field
Discrete Structures of Computer Science
Data Structures
Programming Languages
Random Processes
Database Management Systems
Object-Oriented Programming
Introduction to Operations Research
Fundamentals of Computer Simulation and Modelling
Introduction to Computer Architecture
Numerical Methods
Operating Systems
Computer Networks
Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence
Fundamentals of Automation
Applied Software
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Technology of Large Databases
Software Engineering
Systems Analysis and Knowledge Acquisition
The History of Latvian Culture
Latvian for Foreigner Students

B Compulsory elective study courses 19.0 CP/ 28.5 ECTS
B1 Field-specific study course 15.0 CP/ 22.5 ECTS
Adaptive Data Processing Systems
Functional Programming
Methods of Systems Theory
System Engineering
Software Evolution Technologies
Algorithms and Methods of Programming
Introduction to Applied Computer Science
Fundamentals of Computer Systems Design
Applied System Software
Management Theory
Organization of Management at Enterprise
Business Economics
Economics and Planning of Small Business
Business and Investments
Business Economics and Fundamentals of Marketing

B2 Humanities and social sciences study courses 4.0 CP/ 6.0 ECTS
General Sociology
Business Communication

C Free elective study courses 6.0 CP/ 9.0 ECTS
E Final examination 10.0 CP / 15.0 ECTS
Bachelor Thesis

Oportunidades profesionales

Graduates can work in information technology companies (or in IT departments of other companies) within software development projects playing a variety of roles such as system analysts, software architects, programmers, testers, web developers, production support specialists, database administrators and technical writers.

Graduates of this study programme can continue studies in Master level programmes.

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