BScAircraft Technical Maintenance
Lugar de estudios | Letonia, Riga |
Área académica | Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction (ISCED 5) Mechanical engineering (JACS H300) |
Tipo | Bachelor, tiempo completo |
Duración nominal | 4/4.5 years |
Idioma de estudio | inglés |
Títulos | BSc (Aircraft technical maintenance engineer) |
Colegiatura | 3.400 € por año |
Costo de inscripción | 250 € una vez |
Costo de registro | Por confirmarse You need to choose an individual service package. Please contact the center curator or your agent and consult. You become a part of student union and ambassador program automatically after you will get Base or Standard or VIP status. *Do not forget to ask discount |
Calificación de ingreso | Bachillerato/educación secundaria (o superior) Please provide the secondary school leaving certificate in the original language. If the diploma is not issued in English, a certified translation should be provided. The document must be legalised/apostilled. Debes llevar contigo los documentos académicos de ingreso originales cuando vayas a la universidad. |
Requisitos de territorio | NO se aceptan solicitudes de los siguientes territorios (según la ciudadanía): Bangladés, Irak, Pakistán, Yemen. |
Requisitos de idioma | inglés TOEFL IBT – at least score 72; |
Otros requisitos | online interview |
Knowledge and skills: The student receives knowledge and acquires practical skills in the following spheres: aircraft design and structure, detection and deletion of generic failures, operation and maintenance of aviation equipment, use of technical and operational documents, role of engineer in the structure of airline.