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The objective of the program in Odontology have to possess adequate knowledge of the sciences on which Odontology is based and a good understanding of scientific methods; sufficient knowledge of epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, diagnosiss and treatment of odontological diseases; sufficient amount of practicals which enable to work self-depended.


Subjects of study Credits
Semester 1 Autumn
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Biochemistry 5.0
Human Anatomy I/II p. 5.0
Human Biology and Genetics in Dentistry 5.0
Human Histology 5.0
Introduction to Dentistry. Legal Aspects and Management of Dental Care. Ethics. 5.0
Latin and Professional Language 5.0
Semester 2 Spring
Compulsory Courses 20.0
Fundamentals of Microbiology. The Eco-System. 5.0
Human Anatomy II/II p. 5.0
Human Physiology 5.0
Public Health and Dental Public Health 5.0
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies 10.0
Semester 3 Autumn
Compulsory Courses 25.0
Basics of Pathology 5.0
Basics of Professional Communication and Psychosomatics. Psychiatry. 5.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases I/VI p. 9.0
Preclinical Endodontics I/II p. 6.0
Course unit (module) of Individual Studies 5.0
Semester 4 Spring
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases II/VI p. 10.0
Fundamentals of Radiology: General and Dental Radiology 5.0
Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology 5.0
Pharmacology. Clinical Pharmacology. Laboratory Medicine 5.0
Preclinical Endodontics II/II p. 5.0
Semester 5 Autumn
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Basics of diagnosing and treating childhood diseases 5.0
Fundamentals of Anesthetics and Reanimatology. First aid. 5.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases III/VI p. 10.0
Oral Surgery I/III p. 5.0
Prosthetic Dentistry I/IV p. 5.0
Semester 6 Spring
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases IV/VI p. 10.0
Neurology and Neurosurgery for Odontologists 5.0
Oral Surgery II/III p. 5.0
Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases and Course of Internal Diseases 5.0
Prosthetic Dentistry II/IV p. 5.0
Semester 7 Autumn
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project I/III p. 5.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases V/VI p. 15.0
Oral Surgery III/III p. 5.0
Prosthetic Dentistry III/IV p. 5.0
Semester 8 Spring
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project II/III p. 5.0
Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment of Dental and Oral Diseases VI/VI p. 10.0
Fundamentals of Maxillofacial Surgery. Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases. 5.0
Orthodontics 5.0
Prosthetic Dentistry IV/IV p. 5.0
Semester 9 Autumn
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Fundamentals and Preparation of Research Project III/III p. 5.0
Treatment Planning of Diseases of the Stomatognathic System 25.0
Semester 10 Spring
Compulsory Courses 30.0
Final Examination 5.0
Internship 20.0
Master Final Thesis (Study field: Dentistry) 5.0
*There is one final State Exam for the Dentistry study programme, which consists of two parts (practical and written).

The assessment of a student is directly related to the learning outcomes. The principles of the assessment are set out by the VU Study Provisions, VU Procedure for the assessment of study results and the resolutions of the Council of VU FM, which are described in the course descriptions of each study subject.

In all subjects of the Dentistry study programme, each student’s achievements are assessed by an examination. The evaluation of the study subjects is performed by applying the principle of an accumulative score, i.e. apart from the exam, the final assessment is also determined by the tasks, activities and tests completed throughout the semester (performance in lectures, tests, clinical tasks, presentations and other self-study assessments, etc.). All requirements for the assessment are provided to the students together with the course unit descriptions. At the beginning of each semester, the teacher introduces the students to the assessment requirements. The continued evaluation ensures regular screening and an assessment of the knowledge the students have gained during each semester.


Odontologist can work in private and public health services.
A graduate will be able to work in all areas of clinical dentistry
A graduate can be employed in commercial structures dealing with medical equipment or pharmaceutical companies.
A graduate can be awarded access to the third cycle of (residency) studies.

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