Studiengebühren 4.500 PLN pro Semester
Anmeldegebühr 80 PLN einmalig
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New developments in the construction industry with growing demands focused on innovative, sustainable technology and construction management require modern professionals with new competences prepared for international markets. We will work on those new skills in international environment of studies and with the use of up-to-date tools. The academic staff will consist of both Polish and international professionals skilled in construction, management and experienced to work in international environment.

We will prepare you to work in international construction teams, including skills dealing with various cultural, social and geographic conditions. After the 2nd semester you will be able to deepen your knowledge and skills, having the opportunity to avail yourselves of internship programmes in companies experienced in running projects in international teams. You will also be able to take advantage of student exchange in Erasmus+ mobility programme (studies abroad for one semester and internship).

Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
Die Bewerbungsphase ist abgelaufen
Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
Die Bewerbungsphase ist abgelaufen
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