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tudy program „Chemical Engineering” is the only program in this field in Latvia. Program envisages training of chemical engineering specialists for enterprises dealing with processing and manufacturing chemistry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical products, food, cosmetics, fuel, wood, ceramics, textile and building materials, as well as specialists for corresponding research and quality control laboratories, research institutions and commercial companies. Studies include typical education of this branch:
management and automation of chemical processes, design of production units, computer modeling, chemometry, molecular spectroscopy, crystallography and crystallochemistry, ageing and protection of materials, chemistry and technology of polymer and silicate materials, fuels and lubricants, pharmaceutical compounds and environmental protection.
Depending from student’s choice he/she can specialize in one of directions: Biologically active compounds and their dosage forms, Chemistry and technology of biomaterials, Chemistry and technology of polymer materials, Chemistry and technology of silicate materials, Environmental engineering, General chemical technology. Simultaneously to theoretical studies during elaboration of Master thesis and within specialty subjects student acquires research methods and technique, as well as can obtain practical skills at enterprise.
Education in chemical engineering let to work in enterprises of different branches, where leading specialists in engineering sciences – who can manage chemical processes, can ensure quality, are capable to develop new methods and equipment, are able to create, to design and to introduce new innovative technologies – are needed. Such knowledge is necessary to work in testing, quality control and research laboratories of different products and materials. Graduates intended to research are prepared for further studies in doctoral programs.


Specialist in chemical engineering elaborates corresponding methods, equipment and technologies to approbate, to implement, to organize and to ensure realization and management of chemical processes. Such specialist designs projects of production units, technological lines and automation of processes, elaborates management and monitoring methods of processes, as well as methods of quality control and conformity evaluation of products and materials, sets up measures for occupational safety and environmental protection, appraises production risks and makes responsible decisions; such specialist analyzes, evaluates, creates, spreads and implements in practice processes and technologies, as well as methods of quality management and improvement in order to promote technological development of enterprise, to increase effectiveness and quality of operation and to guarantee occupational safety.
Graduate can work as engineer or technologist at any enterprise dealing with realization of chemical or biotechnological processes, at research, testing and quality control laboratories, which are engaged in elaboration or quality control of new technologies, materials and products. Graduate can work as self-employed person or individual businessman, as well as researcher at research institutions.

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