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Dr.Natural Sciences (Physics, Astronomy and Mechanics)

Studiengebühren 6.402 € pro Jahr
Bewerbungsgebühr 170 € einmalig
Anzahlung 500 € einmalig
Anmeldegebühr Zu bestätigen

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The goal of the programme is to provide scientific education after the master’s degree is acquired, corresponding to the degree of scientific doctor in physics (Dr. phys.). The programme prepares the specialists of doctoral level, who would be able to work both in the academia (as researchers and faculty members) and in the industry (as participants and managers of technologically advanced projects). The programme provides the choice of specialization in eight subfields of physics, astronomy or mechanics:

Astrophysics and fundamental astronomy
Chemical physics
Didactics of physics
Fluid and gas mechanics
Laser physics and spectroscopy
Materials’ physics
Mechanics of polymers and composite materials
Medical physics
Solid state physics
Depending on the elected subfield, the PhD student must demonstrate a high level of theoretical and practical qualification in materials’ physics, topics of polymer mechanics, general conceptions and methodology issues of chemical physics, the subfield of laser physics and spectroscopy, and various subfields of astrophysics and fundamental astronomy, and didactics of physics.

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