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Dr.Natural Sciences (Chemistry)

Studiengebühren 7.500 € pro JahrKonvertieren
Bewerbungsgebühr 150 € einmaligKonvertieren
Anzahlung 500 € einmaligKonvertieren


“The Doctoral study programme in Chemistry offers educational opportunities for advanced study and research designed to prepare students for roles in research and educational institutions, industry and government. The aim of the doctoral programme in chemistry is to train highly qualified researchers and professionals for self-dependent academic, scientific and practical work with internationally comparable competence in the area of chemistry, as well as an internationally comparable doctoral degree. The tasks of the doctoral programme in chemistry are:

- to demonstrate a systematic understanding of an aspect of the science of chemistry and mastery of those skills and methods of research associated with the topic of student research area: analytical, organic, inorganic, physical or education chemistry;

- to develop abilities related to critical thinking, analysis and argumentation so as to enrich the intellectual potential of the country;

- to make a contribution through original research that extends the frontier of knowledge in chemical science by developing a substantial body of work, some of which merits national or international refereed publication;

- to get competences which fit them for employment as professional chemists in senior positions in chemical and related industries, in public service, or for a progression to a career in academic research.

Compulsory theoretical courses include general course (10 CP) in the selected field of Chemistry: Analytical, Organic, Physical, Inorganic and Education chemistry, special course (Research Methods of Analytical Objects, Humanpedagogical Conception in Chemistry, Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis, X-ray Structure Analysis, Nanochemistry, Modern Chromatography, Physical chemistry of pharmaceuticals, Radiation Chemistry, Wood Chemistry) related to main field of PhD thesis (8 CP) and English language course (4 CP). Study program foreseen needs for students to have an extra soft skills in particular research topic e.g., economics, experimental data interpretation etc. and for that free choice supplementary studies (12 CP) are included in DSC. PhD students in chemistry joined different interdisciplinary doctoral schools formed at University of Latvia. The programme contains the following study forms: lectures, seminars, dissertation thesis drafting and evaluation, workshops, laboratory individual research work, tutorials, presentations, scientific paper writing.

Students who fulfil the study requirements and successfully defend their thesis receive a Doctor’s scientific degree in chemistry awarded by the Chemistry Science Promotions Council, which brings in experts who specialise in the field of science related to the relevant degree.”

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