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The study programme is implemented by the Department of Clothing and Textile Technologies of the Institute of Technology and Design of Textile Materials of the Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, Riga Technical University (RTU). The study programme has been developed on the basis of the engineering study programme “Textile and Clothing Technology” by expanding the specialization possibilities according to market demand. The study programme foresees the opportunity of specializing in one of two study directions –Clothing construction (patternmaking) and Clothing technologies.

Students specializing in Clothing construction specialize in designing of and modeling of patterns for clothing, as well as specializing in CAD systems like Grafis, Lectra, Comtense. After graduating engineers – constructors mostly work in design department of patternmaking, as well in other departments where responsibilities are tied to the development of new products. The main duties of constructors are – designing and modeling of patterns for sewn products in accordance with sketches or pre-designs developed by designers; ensuring that the design developed by the garment meets the technological capabilities of the company’s production organization; development of constructive solutions for problems that are tangled up with clothing construction, changing their sizes and physically-mechanical properties of fabrics; design and maintenance of technical documentation of products.

Students in Clothing technologies specialization will in-depth learn clothing production technologies, equipment, production layout and workflow design, work organization methods, and tools for working time estimating. After graduating new specialists can work as engineers – technologists in all departments of clothing factory.
The general role of the clothing technologist is to handle garment production, making sure that the equipment is working efficiently, the production risks are minimized, and that the products being made are of good quality. In some cases, they work closely with the supplier of the fabrics and materials (to assess both the quality of materials and oversee the cost). In most cases, the clothing technologists also work with the designers and constructors to ensure that the proposed production method will effectively produce the garments as specified on the design.


Basics of Communication
Introduction to Study Field
Supplementary Mathematics (for material science)
Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Computer Studies (basics)
Basics of Materials Science
Textile Chemistry
Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphycs
Chemistry for Engineers
Fundamentals of Law
Sectoral Engineering
Basics of Textile and Leather Material Science
Basics of Fashion Marketing and Apparel Commodity Science
Economics of Manufacturing and Sale Apparel
Computer Studies (special course)
Basics of Labour Protection
General and Occupational Safety
The Substantiation of Technologies of Clothing and Textile
Basics of Visual Arts for Clothing Studies
Clothing Material Science (Study Project)
Clothing Quality Control
Civil Defence

B Compulsory elective study courses 40.0 (60.0 ECTS)
B1 Field-specific study course 34.0 (51.0 ECTS)

Design of Sewing Factories and Fashion Workshops
Sewing Work Study
Industrial Cutting
Techniques for Bespoke Garment Fabrication
Modular Fabrication of Garments
Sourcing of Clothing Materials
Basics of Antropology for Clothing Studies
Advanced Clothing Technologies
Garment Patternmaking
Elements of Sewing Workpiece Processing
Computer – Aided Pattern Design
Technological Equipment of Sewing Factories
Technology of Special Assortment Garment
Finishing Of Textile Materials
Textile and Clothing Research Methods
Fundamentals of Garment Patternmaking

Garment Style Creation
Garment Pattern Grading
Pattern Sonstruction Systems GRAFIS
Garment CAD System LECTRA
Bespoke Garment Design
Design of Clothing Collections
Basics of Anthropology for Clothing Studies
Advanced Clothing Technologies
Garment Patternmaking
Elements of Sewing Workpiece Processing
Modular Fabrication of Garments
Computer – Aided Pattern Design
Technological Equipment of Sewing Factories
Textile and Clothing Research Methods
Fundamentals of Garment Patternmaking

B2 Humanities and social sciences study courses 2.0 (3.0 ECTS)
General Sociology
Sociology of Personalities and Small Groups
United Europe and Latvia
Presentation Skills
Business Etiquette

B6 Languages 4.0 (6.0 ECTS)
The English Language
The German Language
The French Language

C Free elective study courses 6.0 (9.0 ECTS)
D Practical Placement 26.0 (39.0 ECTS)
Practical Placement

E Final examination 12.0 (18.0 ECTS)
Bachelor Thesis


The graduates of the study programme can work as different level managers, technologists, constructors, designers, production managers at textile or apparel production companies. Also they can work at governmental institutions and trade organizations and be responsible for textile material purchasing and quality issues.

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