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M.Sc.European Studies

Studiengebühren 3.000 € pro Jahr
Bewerbungsgebühr 250 € einmalig
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Master’s degree holders can successfully continue European Studies in doctoral’s programs in Latvia and beyond, specializing in the selected specific directions of European Studies.

In-depth study directions of the program EU Policy, International Relations.

Acquired skills
The implementation of the program has led to the preparation of specialists focusing on the European Union’s political courses, its internal and external and security policies, the problems of EU integration and institutional development, thus becoming competitive specialists not only locally but also internationally, it is also able to participate in EU policy development by analysing the common EU policy and by comparing the policy courses developed in EU institutions with the specifics, interests and opportunities of Latvia, by developing adequate policy implementation decisions in Latvia.


Topical Issues in Political Theory
Analysis of Evolution of European Ideas
Comparative Political Methodology
EU Institutions and Decision Making
Quantitative Analysis of EU Policy
Qualitative Analysis of EU Policy
Political Economy of EU Integration
EU legislation EU Integration and Topical Issues in Latvia Economic Aspects of EU Social: Comparative Analysis
Topical Issues in EU Foreign Policy and Safety Policy
EU, Globalization and Localization
EU Governance Problems
Analysis of ES-USA relations
Analysis of ES-Russia relations
Analysis of EU-Eurasia relations
Social Technologies in the Governance
European Nations and Foreign Policy
EU Energetic and Climat Policy: Analysis of Problems
Political Culture in Europe
EU and Global Economy
EU Migration Policy Analysis
EU Neighborhood Policy Analysis
EU Trade Policy
EU Enlargement: Analysis of Contemporary Problems
EU Foreign Policy Analysis
International Relations: Macro -level Analysis
International Relations: Micro -level Analysis
International Relations and EU: Analysis of Contemporary Problems


Specialists of European studies are expected to have a wide field of nature in foreign institutions – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, departments of Foreign Relations of ministries, various public and business organizations, research institutes and firms. The obtained specialty provides an opportunity to work as advisers in political institutions of different levels, as well as as as consultants, analysts and officials.

Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
13.11.2024, 23:59:59
Osteuropäische Zeit

Winter intake

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Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.
Jetzt bewerben! Frühlingssemester 2025
13.11.2024, 23:59:59
Osteuropäische Zeit

Winter intake

Jetzt bewerben! Herbstsemester 2024
Zulassung ohne Bewerbungsfristen – Bewerbungen werden das ganze Jahr über akzeptiert.
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