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M.Sc.Management of communication in the leisure and entertainment industry

Studiengebühren 3.000 € pro Jahr
Bewerbungsgebühr 250 € einmalig
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The modern tourism and hospitality industry is one of the largest highly profitable and most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. With the rapid development of the tourism industry, the professions associated with it are gaining more and more popularity. If you choose this and you want to develop in this direction and gain additional knowledge in the field of marketing communications and cultural projects, then why may the BMA program be of interest to you?

In the modern world every day there is a huge amount of change that applies to all aspects of our lives. They affect the service market too. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of demand: what was popular just yesterday, today no one else needs. In such circumstances, one has to compete with a huge number of companies offering their services, and the ability to think systematically, creatively, to use the entire complex of communications for sales, to work for the final result can play a decisive role in this struggle. The so-called Creative Economy is based on this principle.

The Master’s program follows a modern international trend, based on the concept of “Creative economy” or the economy of knowledge, i.e. a special sector of the economy based on intellectual activity. The main field of economic activity is intellectual property, and the main tool here is the human brain. Creativity, as one of its properties, helps to achieve the best results.

The goal of the program is to train highly qualified and competitive professionals in the field of communication management in the tourism, hospitality, leisure and entertainment industries, possessing theoretical knowledge and professional skills at the level of modern international requirements, able to solve tasks creatively, work in international and interdisciplinary teams and effectively manage enterprises and organizations, take part in the implementation of projects both in Latvia and abroad.

The curriculum includes a block of humanitarian and a block of managerial disciplines, an important aspect of training is the development of the entire complex of communications and how to manage them, much attention is paid to disciplines related to psychology and pedagogy. It is possible to vary the disciplines, in accordance with the professional interests of undergraduates.
Much attention is paid to the creative training of specialists. At the program, undergraduates try to develop an understanding of changes in the markets, changes in consumer behavior, teach them creative techniques and show that understanding these methods and processes helps not only in the leisure and entertainment industry, but also in any other type of commercial activity. The acquired skills and knowledge will help them sell any product on the market.


Education in professional magistracy provides training for highly qualified specialists in the tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business, leisure and entertainment, culture and public relations capable of successfully working in the labor market of the Republic of Latvia, the EU and CIS countries.

A Master’s degree gives the right to a graduate to conduct pedagogical and scientific activities and to continue training in doctoral studies. In addition, the degree gives the right to work in senior positions in the tourism industry, hotel business, leisure and entertainment, requiring applicants to have a master’s degree. The peculiarity of the preparation of masters is:
• mastering the skills that allow the graduate to successfully work in the leisure and entertainment industry;
• the acquisition by graduates of universal and specialized competencies that contribute to its social mobility and competitiveness in the labor market;
• the formation of graduates with a vocational orientation in the development of postgraduate and additional educational programs;
• the formation of skills to independently solve problems requiring an innovative approach;
• development of abilities to find non-standard organizational and managerial decisions.

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13.11.2024, 23:59:59
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13.11.2024, 23:59:59
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